About the project
This site and all that it contains is made within the project with reference No 2018 BG 01KA203047873 under the Centre for Development of Human Resources on Key Activity 2 - "Cooperation for Innovation and Good Practices" - "Strategic Partnership", Higher Education Sector within Erasmus + program of the EC
The project has been designed as a breakthrough in traditional education in the field of translation that takes into consideration the ever increasing demand for well-educated good translators on the European market. Its objective is to develop and offer intellectual products that will be innovative in the field of traductology: online language and translation courses with digitalised sources, an open discussion forum for consultations in the field of translation, as well as printed materials essential to the work of any translator. In a context, in which an ever growing number of young people study and work at the same time, and are completely dependent on the Internet, the project will offer products that will be perceived easily, will work and will be applicable by many people. To that end, the project’s implementation will rely on partnerships with the academic milieu of three of the most renowned universities in Europe – Heidelberg university, Charles University (Prague) and Ca' Foscari University of Venice, to develop jointly a working product based on the best in academic exchanges and traditions, but looking also at the needs of tomorrow. To achieve all that, three working meetings related to the organising and monitoring of the activities have been envisaged under the project, as well as one final meeting, which will be dedicated to the promotion of the results that will be achieved and to the targeting of future users of the products that have been created. The methodology on which the project has been based includes statistics and analysis, comparativist and intertextual approaches, combining theory and practice, hypertext connections, and binding education to new technologies.
Project leader: Assoc. Prof. PhD Daria Karapetkova